Tuesday, March 20, 2018

How Get Rid of White Pores on Nose (Sebaceous Filaments)

I used to have a problem with plugged-up pores on my nose. They were clogged with gross white stuff, and there were many on my nose. Here's how to get rid of them.

Cotton swabs!

Wonderful and easy. Take a warm bath, and wait for those horrible things to expand. Then, take dry cotton swabs to them, running the swabs across. It does not take much effort. I use Q-Tip brand, but I imagine any will do. I have not tried with cotton balls.

How to Get Rid of Acne on Back of Neck

I used to have many horrid acne bumps on the back of my neck, in the hairline. They were not visible due to my medium-length hair, but still itched and would sometimes bleed.

Don't pick at the acne.
Never pick at acne. That is one reason my acne bled. It will also lead to scars. Furthermore, this will lead to difficulty applying the acne creams (discussed later) to the area, because it is best not to do so on open skin.

Use an acne-treating cream.
What worked best for me was benzoyl 2 percent strength from Neutrogena. It is called "On-the-spot." It can be found at Target or "that big blue store" (which I don't support due to receipt searches, which, by the way, are usually optional, since they have no search warrant.) It is around 6 dollars. I apply it at night and it works great. It cleared my acne in the region in maybe 4 days or so.

If your acne is more stubborn, do consider twice a day.

I do not suggest anything higher that 3 percent. Studies show anything higher is not necessarily more effective (just like exercising too much may lead to overuse injury or fatigue.)

If you've been picking (stop!) then maybe use Vaseline or Neosporin to treat until they close. They are made for open wounds. Some dermatologists say Vaseline is better, as lower risk of negative interactions (due to fewer ingredients, possibly.) To be honest, I never used either, and was desperate so one time put the benzoyl on a slightly bleeding acne bump. Nothing horrible happened, but I do believe it says not to put on open wounds, so it can be risky.

Bear in mind benzoyl may damage colored clothing or pillowcases etc, so consider white pillowcases, or just cover with a towel. Also, allow the cream to air-dry to minimize risk (doesn't take long.)

A warm (not too hot, which may be drying your skin out) shower may help get rid crusted blood, and allow the acne cream to help better.

Consider a benzoyl peroxide shower wash.
I use Neutrogena Rapid Clear, which has 10 percent benzoyl. This is higher than the 2.5 percent limit I mentioned earlier, but doesn't seem to irritate my skin, and because it washes off anyway, I feel it is ok.

Don't touch your neck.
That irritates acne, and hands usually have lots of germs.

Consider changing your diet.
Getting rid of processed sugars, and following a diet which minimizes inflammation and insulin-spikes is good for overall health. The people of Kitava have little to no acne. Low-insulin spikes may play a role. It is a small island.

What Order to Eat Macronutrients for Weight Loss

Macronutrients are generally fat, protein, and carbohydrates. There are different types of each (for example, casein protein, saturated fat, monounsaturated fat and so on) but for this discussion we will assume you have already worked out those differences for your diet.

For fat loss, I recommend fats and fiber-rich foods first. Most low-sugar vegetables are great examples of fiber-rich foods. Then protein and lastly, although best avoided, any high-sugar foods.

The reason for these recommendations is that we want to keep insulin spikes as low as we can. Cauliflower will produce a very low spike in insulin, and is not anything dangerous to most. Healthy fats will also not produce large spikes.

Bear in mind, foods that combine fats and protein, as well as protein on its own, can lead to undesirable protein spikes. Whey protein, for example, may lead to a spike in some individuals. This may not be dangerous for most and in moderation, but ideally for weight loss, insulin spikes should be kept quite low. And exception may be after resistance workouts, when an insulin spike can help shuttle protein to muscles for repair.

For regular meals, however, the order would be fibrous foods, healthy fats, then healthy proteins. Sugars may follow if you must. Although, fruits may be acceptable last, in moderation. It seems common sense that blueberries (sugars and fiber) will produce a higher spike than, say, spinach (fibrous with less sugar.)

Thus, an example meal would be: Spinach and cauliflower medley (fibrous), followed by (or combined with) an avocado. Then chicken breast, lean meats, or salmon. Followed by a sensible portion of fruit, if it makes sense for your goals.

It is important to thoroughly chew food, as this will help digestion and appropriate insulin-spike preparation, when eating foods in a given order, with the aim of lessening any insulin spike.

Healthy fats and fiber have been shown to help blunt insulin spikes of other foods.

Please note, even if a food is low on the glycemic index, it may still raise insulin significantly. Beef is one example.